Saturday, October 27, 2007

References for Multi-Threaded .Net WinForm Programming

MSDN Articles:
  1. Using Multiple Threads(ch.6 in Smart Client Architecture and Design Guide) - details why, when and how to call Control.Invoke in the UI thread.
  2. Creating a Simplified Asynchronous Call Pattern for Windows Forms Applications - proposes a ServiceAgent class to encapsulate the interaction between background threads and the UI thread.
  3. Creating Asynchronous Business Objects for Use in .NET Windows Forms Clients - proposes some helper classes and events to simplify the asynchronous invocation process.
  1. WinForms UI Thread Invokes: An In-Depth Review of Invoke/BeginInvoke/InvokeRequred - describes how Control.Invoke works underneath
  2. The Daemon Inside - suggests one try Control.BeginInvoke when Control.Invoke does not work because deadlock might happen.
  1. Thread-Safe Asynchronous Smart Clients

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