Saturday, November 24, 2007

Links for 2007-11-24

Web site:
  1. A Windows Forms FAQ site - A good place to start with for Windows Forms questions.
  2. Open Flash Chart(via Larkware News) - An open source google-style charting tool for web pages.

10 Absolute "Nos!" for Freelancers - Informative for anyone who wants to be a freelancer but I agreed with some of the responses in the post, that you don't have to reject these requests directly. Instead, charge a price so high that it's meaningless for clients to ask.

  1. Algorithms are a human’s best friend - An article published in 2005. Five algorithmic trading strategies were mentioned. And strategies could be hybridized by combining other constraints or varying parameters.
  2. Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) - An implementation of Volume Weighted Moving Average, but not a trading strategy as mentioned above.

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